喵小夕 提交新资源: [白天灭灯] Prop Lights Mod - 1.0 - by Trejak - 白天不再亮灯 Prop Lights Mod This mod introduces time-synced lighting for lights plopped via the developer UI. Illuminate your cityscape with lights...
喵小夕 提交新资源: 神奇的灵车 Magical Hearse - 消除灵车需求! This mod removes the need to place deathcare buildings (crematorium, cemetery) in your city! No more hearses, and no more "Waiting for Hearse"...
喵小夕 提交新资源: 分辨率扩展 ResolutionExtension - 更多分辨率 Resolution Extension Mod Overview: Resolution Extension is an experimental mod designed to facilitate the bypassing of game resolutions with ease. By...
喵小夕 提交新资源: 分区工具 ZoningToolkit - 自由关闭道路的格子! This tool lets you control the zoning on the roads for your cities. You can enable zones on both sides of roads, on any one side or no side at all. Gives...
喵小夕 提交新资源: 额外UI界面 Extra UI Screens - 在另外一块屏幕上显示界面! Extra UI Screens Mod Use additional monitors This mod is designed to allow use any screen available in current PC to show other mods information...
喵小夕 提交新资源: 地图纹理替换 Map Texture Replacer - 替换地图纹理 Intro Map Texture Replacer allows you to easily replace grass, dirt and cliff map textures in your game. The mod is intended to be used with map...
喵小夕 提交新资源: 自由视角 Free Range Camera - 更宽的缩放范围 Free Range Camera Freely move the camera outside the playable area - limited to twice the full background map maximum distance (8x the playable area...
喵小夕 提交新资源: 无碰撞 Anarchy - 物件/树木无碰撞 Anarchy disables error checks for tools in a way that the errors are not shown at all. This mod allows you to place vegetation and props (with DevUI 'Add Object'...
喵小夕 提交新资源: 更好推土机 Better Bulldozer - 推土机可推万物 Easily delete things that you otherwise could not delete or easily delete. Sully made a Youtube video about custom car parks (aka Parking Lots) and this...
喵小夕 提交新资源: 树木控制器 Tree Controller - 控制树木大小 颜色 等 Tools and systems for changing ages, types, colors, growth and seasonal behaviors for trees and wild bushes. Improvements to plopping and brushing...
喵小夕 提交新资源: 条形工具 Line Tool - 在直线 - 直线、曲线或圆形中放置对象 Line Tool This mod supplements existing tools so you can precisely and quickly place objects such as trees, shrubs, and props in lines, curves, and...