喵小夕 提交新资源: 启用成就 Achievement Enabler - 启用成就! Enables achievements when using mods. This mod does not modify your savegames, and should be safe to remove at any time. Note: the UI will still...
zhaominzhang 提交新资源: 人口过剩小控件及修复 Overpopulated Gizmo and Fix - 修复大量出现无家可归者的BUG This mod is deeply technical. Please read carefully what it does before enabling it. Patches game systems to prevent...
喵小夕 提交新资源: [人口再平衡] Population Rebalance - 0.9.1 - by Infixo - 平衡生命周期/毕业逻辑/住户/死亡 等 Tweaks cims lifecycle for more balanced population and education needs. Features The mod has many features...
Peter JY 提交新资源: 更好地月光 BetterMoonLight - 改善自然月亮和夜间照明的视觉效果 改善自然月光和夜间照明的视觉效果。 本模组通过覆盖游戏中的自然夜间照明系统实现实时改善。 可通过调节各种选项自定义风格化的最终效果。 Visual improvement for natural moon and night lighting. The mod...
喵小夕 提交新资源: 汉化 I18n EveryWhere - 一些模组的前置 I18n EveryWhere Provides convenient localization features to reduce the burden on authors and provide centralized coverage. Keeps authors from being...