喵小夕 提交新资源: 额外景观工具 ExtraLandscapingTools - 可放置自定义地表 贴图 ExtraLandscapingTools This mod aims to add features and improve existing ones for the game's landscaping tool. -> Full Changelog Features...
喵小夕 提交新资源: 地形笔刷增强 Brush Size Unlimiter - 地形刷增强 Brush Size Unlimiter raises the maximum size that brushes can be set to in the tool menu and in the developer mode panel. Works ingame and in the...
喵小夕 提交新资源: 启用成就 Achievement Enabler - 启用成就! Enables achievements when using mods. This mod does not modify your savegames, and should be safe to remove at any time. Note: the UI will still warn...
zhaominzhang 提交新资源: 人口过剩小控件及修复 Overpopulated Gizmo and Fix - 修复大量出现无家可归者的BUG This mod is deeply technical. Please read carefully what it does before enabling it. Patches game systems to prevent...
喵小夕 提交新资源: [人口再平衡] Population Rebalance - 0.9.1 - by Infixo - 平衡生命周期/毕业逻辑/住户/死亡 等 Tweaks cims' lifecycle for more balanced population and education needs. Features The mod has many features, most...