- 适配游戏版本1.0.19f1
- 配置文件目前文件名为RentControl.cfg,不再是之前的LandValueCap.cfg。
CSLBBS 是由都市天际线爱好者自发组成的兴趣社区,致力于构建一个开放和谐的交流社区。“Cities: Skylines”为瑞典公司 Paradox Interactive 的商标,本站与该公司不存在从属关系。
I'm a newbee to both Cities2 modding and C#, and I know there is a modding community on discord, where most Cities2 modders base themselves in. I have made several attempts to join this community, but all of them simply failed, just like tens of my other attempts to register a legal discord account. The problem here is discord instantly bans my account if it's based on a chinese phone number. I have also reached out for solutions, but everybody tells me that you have to buy a non-chinese phone number (from illegal origins maybe) to continue. It's not an option for me, as it obviously introduces massive security risks.
While I can freely access and put my mods on github and thunderstore.io, getting a discord account and join the modding community is still on my todo list. In the meantime, I'm afraid that the only places that we could share opinions is here and github.