喵小夕 提交新资源: 分区工具 ZoningToolkit - 自由关闭道路的格子! This tool lets you control the zoning on the roads for your cities. You can enable zones on both sides of roads, on any one side or no side at all. Gives...
喵小夕 提交新资源: ExtraLib - 一些模组的前置 Extra Lib is a crucial dependency mod that is indispensable for the operation of any tools within the EXTRA mod suite. It ensures seamless integration and enhanced...
喵小夕 提交新资源: 启用成就 Achievement Enabler - 启用成就! Enables achievements when using mods. This mod does not modify your savegames, and should be safe to remove at any time. Note: the UI will still warn...
喵小夕 提交新资源: 无碰撞 Anarchy - 物件/树木无碰撞 Anarchy disables error checks for tools in a way that the errors are not shown at all. This mod allows you to place vegetation and props (with DevUI 'Add Object'...
喵小夕 提交新资源: 统一图标库 Unified Icon Library - 1.0.1 - by algernon - 一个提供图标的前置模组 Description This is a mod that provides several collections of icons matching the game's UI style for modders to use in...