


条形工具 Line Tool

功能性 条形工具 Line Tool 0.7

  1. 官方模组

Line Tool​

This mod supplements existing tools so you can precisely and quickly place objects such as trees, shrubs, and props in lines, curves, and circles with varying parameters.


  • Integrates directly with in-game tools: No hotkey required.
  • Place objects in lines: Create straight lines, curves, or circles.
  • Works both in-game and in the editor.
  • Fence mode: Automatically align and place objects end-to-end.
  • Wall-to-wall mode: Automatically align and place objects side-to-side.
  • Accurate placement: No worrying about imprecision.
  • Adjust spacing and rotation: Use the in-game tool UI for more control, including random rotation for a more natural look.
  • Random position variation (optional): Provides natural irregularity.
  • Live preview: Provisionally place a line, adjust spacing and/or rotation, and see how it looks in real-time before making the final placement (or cancelling).
  • Displays distances and angles for fine-tuning.


  • To activate the tool, select the object that you'd like to place in a line (such as a tree), either normally or with the Dev UI. Then, select a line mode from the line modes options at the bottom of the tool options panel.
  • To exit the tool, select 'single placement mode' to return to the normal placement mode for the selected object, or press Escape.

Place a line​

  • Click where you want the line to begin, and click again at the desired endpoint to place the objects. Note: Curves require three clicks - start, guidepoint, and end.
  • Shift-click at the end of a line starts a new line placement at the spot where the previous line ended.
  • Control-click at the end of a line leaves it in preview mode; you can adjust the settings and see the results in real-time. You can also drag the highlighted control points (blue circles) to adjust the line positioning (Control-click to start dragging ensures that you don't accidentally trigger placement if you miss the point circles, but regular clicking also works). When finished, click to place or right-click to cancel.
  • Right-click to cancel placement.

Tool options​

  • Toggle between single object (default game tool), straight line, curved, and circle modes.
  • Toggle fence mode to align objects with the line direction, and place them continuously end-to-end (like a fence).
  • Toggle wall-to-wall mode to align objects with the line direction, and place them continuously side-to-side (like a row of buildings).
  • Adjust distances using the arrow buttons - click for 1m increments, Shift-click for 10m, and Control-click for 0.1m. For circle mode, spacing is rounded up to the nearest distance that ensures an even placement around the circle.
  • Select fixed-length even spacing mode to space out objects evenly over the entire length of the line, with spacing as close as possible to the spacing distance you set. For circle mode, this causes spacing to be rounded to the nearest number (up or down) that ensures an even placement around the circle (default circle rounding is always up).
  • Select random rotation to have each object in the line have a different randomly-chosen rotation, or manually adjust the rotation for all items using the arrow buttons - click for 10-degree increments, Shift-click for 90 degrees, Control-click for 1 degree.
  • Set variable spacing greater than zero to apply a random length offset to each item's spacing, up to the maximum distance specified - click for 1m increments, Shift-click for 10m, Control-click for 0.1m.
  • Set variable offset greater than zero to apply a random sideways offset to each item, up to the maximum distance specified - click for 1m increments, Shift-click for 10m, Control-click for 0.1m.
To remove variable spacing and/or offset, set the field(s) back to zero. Shift-click (10m increments) to make this faster.



This mod supports localization. Please help out with translating this mod into different languages via the CrowdIn site at crowdin.com/project/linetool-cs2.


Modders (and aspiring modders!), as always I'm available and happy to chat about what I've done and answer any questions, and also about how you can implement anything that I've done for your own mods. Come grab me on the Cities: Skylines Modding Discord!


Special thanks to yenyang for various tips and advice!

This mod uses the Harmony Patching Library by Andreas Pardeike.
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